iTunes (Apple App Store) release Pre-Requisites
This is small note on details to be kept ready before you release you app (.ipa file) to apple app store.
Following details you need to have in-hand before releasing app to Apple App Store.
- Name of the App
- Privacy Policy URL
- Promotional Text
- Keywords (This will make you app more available when customers search on app store)
- Description
- Support URL
- Keywords
- Marketing URL
- Copyright
- App Store Icon(1024 px X 1024 px)
- App Screenshots (Minimum 3),Sizes are mentioned below. (Please ask this with your UI Designer)
For Review Process
Test Account Credentials (This is for Apple to run through the app)
- Password
Contact Information
The person in your organisation who should be contacted if the App Review team has any questions or needs additional information.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
App Screenshots Sizes
iPhone screenshot sizes:
- iPhone 3 (3.5 Inch): 920 x 640 px
- iPhone 4 + 5 (4 Inch): 1136 x 640 px
- iPhone 6 + 7 +8 (4.7 Inch): 1334 x 750 px
- iPhone 6 Plus + 7 Plus + 8 Plus (5.5 Inch): 1242 x 2208 px
- iPhone X (5.8 Inch): 1125 x 2436 – This isn’t required; Mind that the difference is that the screenshot in iPhone X will be shown with rounded corners
iPad screenshot sizes:
- iPad (12.9 Inch): 2048 x 1536 px
- iPad Air and Mini Retina (10.5 Inch): 1536 x 2048 px
- iPad Pro (12.9 Inch): 2048 x 2732 px
Please comment below if I have missed anything.
Thanks for reading !!!